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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  June 18, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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xfinity rewards creates experiences big and small, >> we've got lots of news to and once-in-a-lifetime.
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cover and lots to go over. campaigner in chief president biden back on the campaign trail on a state he flipped from a donald trump when. his presidential pitch to voters ahead in a live report. plus a special counsel jack smith in new jersey state of mind? what happened to trump's mar-a-lago balms and bathrooms might not stay there when it comes to missing classified documents in an alleged cover-up. a power panel is standing by to go in-depth on the many criminal and civil case is straining the twice impeached, twice indicted next term president. and threes a crowd the growing effort to stop a third party cabinet from hurting biden's chances at reelection. former senator doug jones joins me live to talk about the alliance between democrats and never trumpers. all of that and more is coming up. . >> a good sunday morning to you,
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i'm katie phang. we start this with a presidents pitch for another term. president biden officially kicked off his reelection campaign saturday in pennsylvania he went to a birth state that he flipped to his win column back in 2020. president biden was flanked by union members at his philadelphia rally where he touted his administration's big winds with the nations economy, lower unemployment and pro labor stance. meanwhile one of biden's possible republican challengers notably absent from the campaign trail this weekend. and rhonda santos was taking advantage of that empty real estate. the florida governor and presidential hopeful did not mention donald trump or his latest indictment directly, but railed on what he absurdly called the weaponization of the government, and he said he would fire the fbi director. we will go in-depth on the ex presidents disgraceful troubles, with our guests in just a minute. but first let's start with nbc news reporter gary grumbach who
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is outside president biden's rehoboth beach delaware home, where president biden is spending his father's day. gary, good morning. president biden met with union workers in philadelphia after securing a key endorsement from one of the biggest endorsement messengers in the country. what was his message? >> katie, there is perhaps nothing president biden loves more than unions in philadelphia so it was a fitting place for him to hold his launch of the 2024 campaign and its final clinical campaign and his message was one of economic in nature, talking about jobs, and how it has all been going in the right direction. talking about inflation, how inflation reports in recent months have all been going in the correct, downward direction as well. and also talking about a number of his legislative priorities that he has both done in the past seems like the inflation act and the infrastructure bipartisan infrastructure act. and also things that he wants to get done going into the future, on friday. he visited kinetic to talk about his priorities as it
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rates to guns. so it was a number of hot topics, about what he's done and what he is looking forward to be done. here's what he had to say to some of the union folks last night. >> you've carried the country on your back you've carried long enough. it is time for millionaires and billionaires and big corporations to pay their fair share. i can get that done, but i need you badly. so are you with me? >> as you mentioned, this is also been a really big week of endorsements for the president. the afl-cio, the nda the league of conservation voters, that means the workers, the teachers, and environmental activists are all coming out in support of president biden. katie? >> yeah, gary, quickly, going forward the biden's campaign is announcing that the president will not put focus on early primary states. that is gonna take a different tack. can you tell us a little bit more about that strategy? >> yeah, you're going to see a little bit of a rose garden approach, nbc news has learned. not what we are gonna see of
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the gop candidates in iowa and new hampshire in south carolina, he's gonna talk about what he is doing as president, something nobody else in the field can actually do. he's also going to be doing a lot of fundraising over the next two weeks, we expect 20 different enc related fundraisers with biden harris, and the first lady all involved. >> very grumbach, thank you for getting a start of this morning. and i mentioned that notably absent was donald trump from the campaign trail this weekend, might be one of the reasons why is the following. let's get right into what is going on with the ever widening legal troubles for ex president donald trump. joining me now, glenn kershner, former federal prosecutor. msnbc legal analyst and the host of the justice matters podcast. and in a first for the katie phang show, we welcome anthony coley, msnbc justice and legal affairs analyst former director of the office of public affairs at the doj and former senior adviser to attorney general merrick garland. glenn, you are an old soul for us here after the show, anthony, you are new, but i wanted to start off with the both of you for today. glenn, first question to you.
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let's start with this so-called bedminster mystery. do you think we might see special counsel jack smith classified documents investigation expanding into trump's new jersey golf club? we did not even know about miami granary into just a few days before trump was indicted down here. >> you know, katie, i think jack smith is just getting warmed up. we saw information about some of donald trump's miss handling of classified information, in the potentially national defense information which is what gives rise to charges under our nation's espionage laws up in bets minister, in new jersey, he is showing military maps to people from his pack. he is sharing information about plans for a possible military strike a gust in forward country. >> he is doing that new jersey, what does that tell us? it tells us that charges for those crimes could properly be
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brought in federal court in new jersey. i don't think jack smith is prepared to let go of those crimes because he is already indicted donald trump in another jurisdiction in florida for the crimes that he committed in that state. so if i had to bet $1 that is my betting limit. i am not a high roller. i would bet a buck that we are going to see a federal indictment in new jersey and then, of course, we are still awaiting possible federal charges in washington d.c. for the fake electors, for the insurrection and other potential crimes. >> and anthony, donald trump and his league jim of magra loyalists lasting the doj as they are want to do, president biden saying, you know what i'm not weaponizing the government even though donald trump and everybody is claiming that that is what i am doing. how important is it for attorney general merrick garland to publicly defend this latest indictment?
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>> katie, good morning. thanks for having me. i was at the justice department last fall when the attorney general put in place this entire special counsel process and he did that for two reasons. number one, we heard him talk about this and reiterate this this week, to ensure independence and accountability. and then to make sure that whatever decision was appropriate in this case that it was indisputably determined by facts and the law. so the attorney general had the opportunity to talk a little bit more about that this week. i am not surprised that he did not weigh in anymore, because it is an ongoing criminal investigation. but the process here really matters. what people may not realize katie, is that the special counsel smith is not subject to the day-to-day supervision of anybody at the justice department. that process that matters, and the other important thing here is the people who are running this investigation who are
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assisting so that the making for this prosecutorial decision they are part of the doj's career workforce. they are not people like me who come and go, political appointees with a change administration. they transcend administrations. >> and let me do a quick follow-up before i move on to glenn. so, because of that independents, anthony, what about special counsel jack smith? fantastic speaking indictment, southern district of florida, easy read lots of details. but considering that independents you to spoke about, should america actually hear from special counsel dak smith about this indictment? >> so i think it is very important for the facts to remain front and center. my remembrance of last week at this time when the indictment came out on friday, you remember opening the newspapers on saturday or sunday of last week. what we saw was evidence.
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we saw photographs, we saw excerpts of the indictment. this was on the front pages of america's newspapers. that is important. to your specific question, katie i believe firmly that at the very least, there should be audio recording of this trial when it takes place. i think that will go a long way to ensuring that the facts remain front and center. and really combatting some of the misinformation that we are saying from donald trump and his allies that began before the indictment was even released. >> glenn, let's jump back into the actual substance of this pending mar-a-lago indictment case. judge cannon has referred a motion for protective order to the magistrate drudge reinhart. he is the one who signed off on that search warrant that was executed on mar-a-lago last year that got this ball rolling. is this a sign, in your opinion
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glenn, that a relatively inexperienced glenn aileen cannon will refer more issues to him. it is typical in federal court for the city's happen. i've spoken earlier about her lack of experience on the bench, while she was a lawyer, especially involving national security and cepa cases. >> yeah, katie. that is a great question. when i saw that she referred back to the magistrate judge, this issue, with respect to a possible protective order, i raised an eyebrow. because, in my experience when i was a federal prosecutor for decades, ordinarily once a case moved from a magistrate judge, and magistrate judges handle the preliminary matters. things like detention hearings in arraignments and preliminary hearings when they are held, but once it moves to the assigned judge usually it all matters moving forward are then handled by the assigned judge, including requests for protective orders. so i am not sure what this signals. i was concerned when i saw
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judge aileen cannon issue her first subset of order in this case because that is a clear indication that at least, thus far, she does not think there is any basis for her to recuse herself to remove herself from the case. remove hersel>> i think that ra problem, because the federal loss it's a very low bar in the conflicts arena, and in the disqualification arena, specifically a judge must, xiao disqualify themselves if the impartiality can reasonably be questioned. apparently judge cannon has stained that her impartiality cannot reasonably be questioned by anybody. i disagree with her legal experts are questioning her impartiality every day up to including people like professor laurence tribe. so i don't think the refusal or disqualification battle is over yet, there may be more to come. >> and, for that, we will have both of you back, especially
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anthony coley, to talk about the recusal considerations and whether not that is actually going to be the strategic move in this case. sadly i'm out of time, glenn kirschner, anthony coley, thank you to both of you for getting us started today. >> still to come on the katie phang show. unprecedented. a quick history lesson to help us understand the shocking and unethical political and legal behavior continues to define the trump era. and, later, no spoilers. the candidate field for 2024 is getting bigger across all party affiliations. we will dive into how democrats and republicans are working together to keep third party candidates from tossing the next presidential election into a tailspin. we've got much more of katie thanks so ahead so keep it right here on msnbc. o ahead so keep it right here on msnbc. (vo) this is sadie, she's on verizon. the network she can count on. and now she's got myplan, the game-changing new plan that lets her pick exactly what she wants and save on every perk. sadie is getting her plan ready for a big trip. travel pass, on. nice iphone. cute couple. trips don't last forever, neither does summer love. so, sadie is moving on. apple music, check!
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level, after being the first current or even former president to ever be indicted by a federal grand jury. this is all stemming from illegally retaining classified documents in his mar-a-lago home. and you might remember that this is his second indictment this year alone. the first is happening in new york, back in april, over hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. trump could be on the hook for even more criminal charges. special counsel jack smith is looking into january 6th while fulton county, georgia, d eight fani willis is deep into her investigation into his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. are we normalizing this behavior? and what does it mean for our country's future. joining me now is douglas brinkley, presidential historian and a professor of history at bryce university. douglas, it is an honor to have you with us on the show this morning. three out of the gate here is the first question. a former president criminally charged in two separate cases and facing the very real possibility of even more
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indictments. a lot of people are comparing it to nixon and watergate, but let's be frank, it is so much worse. nixon was eventually pushed out of office under bipartisan pressure. but today's gop just cares about the win. so how is history going to remember this moment in time? >> for all of nixon's sins and there are many he, in the end, did the right thing. he stepped down. he capitulated and said i am not above the u.s. constitution. and nixon had a master record of what there was of china in 1972 or his talk with the soviet union creating of the clean air act and clean water act, environmental protection agency, on and on. there was this great record. with president trump, it really has been a revolutionary incendiary political figure since he went down the elevator. he is representing a populist movement, which is anti government. the enemy to the people and
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trump's mind is the fbi, the justice department to the irs. and so you really can't compare trump. there are all the other presidents that are in this presidents club and you can rank them, and we do. and then there is donald trump on this island all by himself, having indictments virtually every couple weeks being levied against him. >> you know, douglas. you kind of took the words out of my mouth. because i was just about to say, you really cannot compare. in true framing, donald trump, to other u.s. presidents in our history. but isn't that the real problem then, here? by electing something like donald trump back in 2016 did the concept of quote, fitness for office become some kind of disgusting race to the bottom? >> george karlyn the great comedian used to say in america or in a democracy you get the leadership you deserve. if donald trump is what we deserve, boy we have done some bad things new knighted states.
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i mean, because his whole ammo is trying to divide the nation put us in little, separate five thumbs. do away with the rule of law. he is by nature a dictator, he has an authoritarian event. he never really was a business person in the sense that you had to answer to a board of trustees. he was all ways a one manned, one vote family business guy. except there is no democratic impulse in donald trump, and so, we've got to get rid of trump and trumpism if we want to have the kind of democracy, franklin d. roosevelt talked about in the four freedoms speech, which he put what we fight for the world of freedom from fear and freedom of expression from hunger, freedom of religion. there used to be a great, public service, civic minded optimism in america. better days are always in front of us. now, people feel the best is behind us.
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so we are in desperate need for new leadership in this country, at least in the level of the white house. >> let's take a comparative view, if you will hear me for a moment, douglass, interestingly, since 2000, former world leaders have been jailed or prosecuted in at least 78 countries. a few brief examples, south korea, peru, for example. not to mention the current vice president in argentina. why is it so shocking then for the pursuit of accountability from our united states president? >> i think because we believed we were the city on the hill, as ron reagan used to talk about. that there was an american exceptionalism that we wear the beacon of light in a very troubled world, that our democracy was the adulation of countries foreign wide. that we were the countries that ran free and fair elections, and for all of our difficulties and lumps, in the end, the united states was a nation of
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immigrants, where everybody's a voice counted. and one person, one vote. all of this is seeming to be in jeopardy. we are now being looked at by the rest of the world as having a kind of nervous breakdown. can you do business with the united states? how do you do a deal with joe biden if, in two years, something as radical as donald trump is back in office. so i am afraid that we are living in an age of unpredictability, what you called the unprecedented era. and donald trump is the fly in the sherbet of our times. >> douglas brinkley, i appreciate you coming on today and giving us context. because i think we always need to ground in the context of what historically has been foundationally our country. and if you can find a better adjective than unprecedented, i, along with most of media, will probably welcome that adjective. douglas brinkley, thanks again for being here today. >> thank you. >> and tomorrow, juneteenth,
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known as america's second independence day will once again be commemorated as a federal holiday for the second time in u.s. history. the holiday recognizes an end to slavery in the united states. referencing june 19th, 1865, went 260,000 enslaved black people in galveston texas were proclaimed free years after the emancipation proclamation was issued. president biden signed legislation to federally recognized juneteenth back in 2021. it is now one of 11 celebrated federal holidays in our united states. still to come on the katie phang show no labels. how democrats and anti trump republicans are teaming up ahead of 2024 to keep third-party spoiler candidates from causing chaos, in what is sure to be a tight race. former senator doug jones joins me now after the break. keep it right here, on msnbc. keep it right here, on msnbc. sam who make...? ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card...
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someone other than donald trump or hillary clinton in 2016? the quote, protest vote, likely caused clinton a small but still vitally important percentage, in contributed to donald trump's upset victory. but what if i told you the same thing was in danger of happening this time around. a group called new labels is trying to set up a third party presidential ticket for uttering one republican and one democrat. now this would hurt biden for more than trump, and the prospect has him worried top aides to the president enough that they are starting to fight back. according to the washington post, biden allies met last week with republicans who oppose trump to try to figure out how to stop a potential third party candidate from emerging. the effort to stopping the labels group goes beyond just trying to stop a second trump presidency, there is big, unanswered questions about what exactly this group is, and who exactly runs it, and funds it. joining me now is former democratic senator, doug jones, from alabama. he's also a former u.s. attorney in a distinguished senior fellow at the center for american progress. senator good morning, thanks for joining us.
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in your own words for our viewers, why does no labels pose such a credible threat to president biden's reelection? >> it's pretty simple. i think the maga faction of the republican party is not going to split up, i don't think they're gonna have anything to move away from donald trump or whoever the republican nominee is. but i don't think it's going to be not donald trump. there's gonna move off. that the own things they might move's something that would only go to joe biden, just like they did in 2020. so i think that this is a vote for no labels is a vote for donald trump. it is that simple. i'm concerned paula money that no labels has right now, putting out sounds on its face to be a very good message, but when you really drill down on, there is no way that they can win. there is no way they can put out 270 electoral votes, but go into the house of representatives, when they do
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that, donald trump is elected again. and as doug brinkley, so, incredibly articulated a few minutes ago, that is the greatest threat to democracy that we have seen in this country. >> let's take on the money. because money makes the world go round as you and i know. the new republic is reporting that it obtained a document that showed a harlan crow, billionaire mega factor in supreme court donor to judge clarence donated -- from 2019 in 2020. one crow also steered any of the two dozen other donors to no labels. nbc news has not seen this information, and in response to questions by the new republic regarding these donations, crow said that he supports no labels because quote, our government should be about what is best for america. whale donors, as they call, harlan crow, and the fact that no labels does not voluntarily disclose its donors give americans some cause for cost? >> absolutely. no question around the. at the store, money has been a huge problem with the court
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system, we've seen it specifically with mr. crow. with regard to the supreme court. and if no labels wants to be a political party, which is exactly what they are trying to do, they are doing all of the things right now that they say is bad for america. they are getting a ballot in a number of states they are pushing things out there. they should be able to disclose their donors. people in the american public need to see who was funding this, because i think that new republic shows that it is likely that these are republican donors who are convinced that donald trump cannot win on his own, but they have to do something to move votes away from joe biden nowhere to put donald trump back in the presidency. >> no labels, talk about abeyance which. no labels openly being cozy with senator joe manchin, who likes to call himself a moderate democrat, but you want to talk about labels, i don't know if that one applies. senator kyrsten sinema, former governor larry hogan, these are
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all names that are being floated as possible no labels candidates. how can the labels claim that it is a third party alternative to the gop, considering these candidates names? >> i don't think they can that's the problem. if it starts drilling down a little bit more into what they're actually saying and doing, you will see the fallacy in everything that they are talking about. and that is the biggest problem right now. again, they've got a top line message that is appealing. but when you drill down to the real core of what they're doing, this is a vote for donald trump. this is an effort to get donald trump back in the presidency. and they're not even talking, about by the way, how you can govern. just think of. this was going to happen if flipped by some absolute bolt of lightning that comes out, and a republican ticket is elected. what's going to happen when there are votes that the vice president is to take? you've got a democrat has been the president you've, got a
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republican who is the vice president how is that republican going to vote on the nominees? how is that republican going to vote on the supreme court nominees? it is just a fallacy of what they are talking about. and again i want to make sure that people understand this, that the only votes that they are going to siphon away will be votes from joe biden. people that were otherwise vote for joe biden and, in very close elections in these swing states, and we are going to have that, we are going to have very close elections in these swing states. that will have the difference that will put donald trump back in the presidency. have the differenc>> last queste let you go, let's talk about some of those swing states, for example. mainstay terry of state of maine, top election official. she served a cease and desist letter on a no labels after voters complain that they were told that they were signing a petition but instead ended up signing a voter registration form that switched their party affiliation and enroll them with no labels party. arizona democratic party also suing to prevent no labels from getting on the ballot there. we know how important these
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states arm. senator is this battle going to shift to them now, with you and i both being former travel lawyers? >> i think. so i think it will be a number of those battles. but at the end of the day you do certain things the right way, you are gonna be able to get on the ballot in a number of the states. i think the bigger issue right now is getting the word out about what this really is it is an effort to get donald trump back in the white house. kieran simple. deal with the courts deal with everything you can but i don't think democrats or anybody else like should really focuses much of the courtroom battles. just as a much should battle for the heart soul of america in the votes that are going to come. because look, katie, i can't say this enough. donald trump is the biggest threat to democracy that our country has seen its 250 year history. now i've got to do what it takes to keep him off the ballot if we can but certainly to make sure that he does not get elected president of the united states. >> senator doug jones, i
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appreciate you taking the time to join us today, thanks. >> thank you. >> coming up next. keeping up the fight pulse nightclub shooting survivor brayden wolf on national gun violence awareness month, and his read on whether president biden's gun safety summit earlier this week moved the needle on meaningful gun reform. later, a moment for dads. my father's day commentary honoring the man i had the privilege to call my dad, as well as all of the other fathers and father figures we are celebrating on this day. keep it right here. you are watching msnbc. you are watching msnbc you are watching msnbc
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awareness month. we're 169 days into 2023, and we have already seen more than 300 mass shootings and nearly 20,000 deaths from gun violence, according to the gun violence archive. national gun violence awareness month also comes as the nation pauses to remember the deadliest attack on the lgbtq+ community in u.s. history. this past monday, march seven year since a lone gunman opened fire at the pulse nightclub in orlando killing 49 people and leaving 53 injured. we are just weeks past to the one year anniversary of the robb elementary school shooting in uvalde, texas, that took the lives of 19 children and two teachers. but as years and even decades past, republican and democratic lawmakers are still at war and what new actions are needed on capitol hill. on friday president biden
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turned the tone and a gun safety call in connecticut, where he renewed call for gun safety reform a year after his historic bipartisan agreement on the safer communities act. >> because whether democrats or republicans, we all want families to be safe. we all want to drop them off at the house of worship, mall, movies, school door, without worrying that it is the last time we are ever going to see them. we all want our kids to have the freedom to learn, to read, to write, instead of learning how to duck and cover in a classroom. and above all, we all agree that we are not finished. we are not finished. we are not finished. >> joining me now, brayden, wolf pulse nightclub shooting survivor, press secretary for equality florida and the author of a place for us, and that more. out on july 1st. brandon, it is always so good to see. you president biden, you are just listening as well as us at the saber committee summit telling america that our children are suffering from the same trauma as soldiers in war.
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biden also promising, quote, we are not finished in our efforts to make our communities safer. but it has been seven years after paul's. we really haven't seen the needle move on common sense gun legislation. why are republicans so against lifesaving measures despite claiming to be the pro-life party? >> thanks so much for having me, katie. thanks for really laying it out. we all know the truth about republican politicians in this country. which is that they are bought and paid for by the gun lobby. we are not in a place in america because we have always had this infatuation with tying firearms to masculinity or patriotism that is a long running scam from the gun manufacturers and the gun lobby to pedal death in order to pad their profits. and republicans have cozied up to them over the last years and decades they have made nice with gun lobbyists who take them on fancy trips and make sure that their campaign coffers are full. they've made nice with gun
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manufacturers who promised to ensure they keep getting reelected if they all make sure that no gun safety legislation gets over the finish line. but the president is right more has to be done. and by the way, the question is not what has to be done because we know the answers to that. we know that making sure that guns don't fall into the hands of dangerous people is the answer keeps people safer the question is how long until americans had enough and we've really seen a shift in this country. we saw in 2018 that over 40 nra-backed candidates for congress lost their elections. we saw in 2020 a president who ran on arguably the most progressive gun safety platform in a very long time and won his presidential election we've seen groups like moms demand action are now spending more on elections than the nra itself. that signals to me that we are in a moment of shift in this country where people are telling us that we deserve to send our kids to school and see them come home safety we deserve to be safe in our communities, and we are done with politicians who repeat the
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same old same old shovel thoughts and prayers when it is time, but don't do any substantive action on gun safety in this country. >> let's talk about, brandon the impacts of politics on gun violence, because sometimes it does have a substance of impact. last december, you called out governor ron desantis while testifying to the oversight committee. you said he is joined forces with right-wing extremists to poor gasoline on anti lgbtq hysteria and to terrorize the community. just how dangerous is it, brandon, that governor desantis is a bigotry is occurring at a time when gun violence is at an all-time high and now the bigger threat is being that he has this presidential campaign promise that he wants to make america florida. >> yeah, what a terrifying proposition for this country. listen. the governor in his rhetoric and really what is happening around the country with anti lgbtq extremism is creating a powder keg. remember that we were there testifying before the house
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oversight committee in the wake of the mass shooting at club q which struck really close to home. i had a moment to sit with those survivors and family members and it was haunting to see the same fear and pain in their eyes that i saw in mine in the wake of pulse. but what ron desantis is creating what these right-wing politicians are creating is as i said on the powderkeg. on the one hand they are pulling away gun safety regulations and they are taking down the guardrails. governor desantis signed into law permit-less carry in the state which we've seen in state after state makes, people less safe, it actually increases the likelihood that guns are going to be used that have been stolen out of vehicles and homes and increases the likelihood that a dangerous situation in a parking lot becomes fatal,. so on the one hand, they are pulling away these guardrails and gun safety regulations that are designed to make us safe tour and on the other hand they are than inflaming hysteria intentions in our community they are telling people that food there's a trans bogeyman
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in the closet who is out to get your children and the only way to stop them is to hand all of your civil liberties to us so that we can put some breaks on them in order to censor these people out of society. and the combination of those things leads us to proud boys at proud festivals, it leads us to people protesting with ar-15s outside of drag shows. it wasn't a very dangerous position for lgbtq people see their lives in their safety risks, and as a result all of us see our lives and safety at risk. >> brandon, what is going to take them for there to be enough. because you talked about a couple minutes ago, that is the question. when is america going to have enough and what is it enough for me with an eight year old who is integrate public school to not have my little girl talk about active shooter drills for people not being able to go to places like grocery stores, and movie theaters, and churches, and synagogues, and not live in fear. is it a reflection of the fact that we are just so dam jaded living in america that this is happening all the time and
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nothing is being done. >> i think it's a reflection of the fact that our lawmakers, especially the republican politicians in washington, d.c., are hideously disconnected from the every day lives of the american people, and that is true by the way in state legislators as well. i think about all the things we've heard from state legislators in florida that the greatest threats our children face are a drag queen reading redfish a blue fish or a teacher with they them pronouns, when we know that gun violence is the number one killer of american children. those people are disconnected from the day-to-day life of the american people, and what it's going to take is a generational change in leadership. we knew politicians, we need people like the tennessee three we need people like my congressman maxwell frost. that's what's going to take to finally make change in this country. it is gonna take people like you to continue to have the courage to speak out, to make sure that we are educated. i am a fellow floridian, grateful that you stay here in
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this state when we are under attack and when all of our liberties are at stake. so, brandon wall i appreciate you. thank you for joining me today. >> thank you, you as well. >> coming up next, happy father's day. after the break, my commentary on modern fatherhood in a tribute to my dad as we celebrate all of the other fathers, stepdads granddads chosen dads and father figures in our lives today. you are watching the katie phang show keep it right here on msnbc. .
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and 20 percent off treatment plans. schedule your appointment today. for too long, big pharmaceutical companies have bought off politicians so they can get away with ripping us off. that's changing now. joe biden just capped the price of insulin for seniors at $35 a month. gave medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. and prices are already starting to go down. the out-of-pocket cost is dropping for 27 drugs. [narrator] learn how the inflation reduction act will save you money.
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what are folks 60 and older up to these days? getting inspired! volunteering! playing pickleba...! >> my father had the best laugh
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in the best smile. one of the greatest compliment i can receive is when someone tells me that i have my dad's smile. he was born in 1931 and was actually 43 years old when i was born. so you would expect a man, especially in older, korean man to be stoic and passive, almost harshly unemotional. don't get me wrong, he was
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definitely strict and could be downright scary when it came to things like academics and work ethic. but one of my father's greatest gifts was his ability to laugh. at himself, and in funny situations, with his huge, very loud laugh. his eyes quickly in the corners and flashing a beautiful toothy grin. his other superpower, he had no problem showing his tears. they would come easily and quickly and it was heartwarming to see his father be such an amazing example that there was no shame in witnessing a grown man cry. many of us grew up during a time when tired, old, gender roles dictated that men could not express their emotions for fear of being perceived as weak or even two feminine. tired, old social norms forced men to hide their emotions and suppress their feelings. as a man, you want supposed to show vulnerability, last to be ridiculed or mocked for being weak. as the old false adage goes, real men don't cry. but my father did cry. and he was very real to me and to those who knew and loved him.
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he was an incredible father, husband, brother, uncle and friend. he mocked those old norms. he laughed and he smiled and he cried whenever he could, even having a serious job with a serious title and a natural intensity in all things personal and professional. my dad was still willing to show his emotions. he knew that it was important to be expressive into share the warmth and relatability of his laughter and his smile and his tears. in this time of intolerance, we should encourage everyone to say goodbye to old, harmful, gender stereotypes and allow them to freely express themselves. to be vulnerable and open, and to embrace and celebrate that open, vulnerability. although my father was born in a foreign country decades ago with cultural norms of emotional silence and street traditions, he was able to intuitively figure out that a culture of acceptance was far superior to one of judgment and suppressed emotions. to i miss my father each and every day, and some days i do
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weep so much for the very painful loss i feel since he left us four years ago on that day, a father's day, in 2019. but lately, most days for me are filled with incredibly happy and moving memories of my dad laughing, and crying, and just being himself. those memories stain me, and remind me that he left an amazing legacy of very big, very joyous, very visible love. my team and i are so lucky to have such great dads and special men in our lives and we wanted to share them with you all. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> my thanks to all of you this morning for joining me, and a very happy father's day to all who are celebrating. i'm going to see you guys in two weeks. my friend jonathan capehart is in for me next weekend, but remember, you can keep up with us during the week by following at katie phang show on twitter, instagram, and tiktok. stay tuned. the sunday show with jonathan kaye part is coming up next. kaye part is coming up next. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back? (wheezing) asthma isn't pretty. it's the moment when you realize that a good day... is about to become a bad one. but then, i remembered that the world
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donald trump has already been indicted into states. we will tell you why another could be in play, while his competitors for the republican nomination are already talking about pardons. congresswoman madeleine dean and neal katyal are here to discuss the latest.


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